
A gimnázium logója

Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium

400 éve a diákokért


( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property JEventDate::$date is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\jeventdate.php on line 45
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.17033434544JEventsDefaultView->_showNavTableBar( )...\calendar.php:5
170.17033434544JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = '_showNavTableBar', $arguments = [] )...\calendar.php:5
180.17093434968DefaultViewHelperShowNavTableBar( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar.php'; protected $_output = NULL; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
190.17103435760JEventDate->__construct( $datetime = ??? )...\defaultviewhelpershownavtablebar.php:21

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property FlatViewNavTableBarIconic::$iconstoshow is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\helpers\flatviewnavtablebariconic.php on line 31
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.17033434544JEventsDefaultView->_showNavTableBar( )...\calendar.php:5
170.17033434544JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = '_showNavTableBar', $arguments = [] )...\calendar.php:5
180.17093434968DefaultViewHelperShowNavTableBar( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar.php'; protected $_output = NULL; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
190.17703446144JEventsDefaultView->viewNavTableBarIconic( class JEventDate { public $year = 2025; public $month = 1; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1736467200 }, class JEventDate { public $year = 2027; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1828396800 }, ['prev2' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2026; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1796860800 }, 'prev1' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2027; public $month = 11; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 30; public $date = 1825804800 }, 'next1' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2028; public $month = 1; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1831075200 }, 'next2' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2028; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1860019200 }], ['prev2' => 'Előző év', 'prev1' => 'Előző hónap', 'next1' => 'Következő hónap', 'next2' => 'Következő év'], 'com_jevents', 'month.calendar', 130 )...\defaultviewhelpershownavtablebar.php:87
200.17703446360JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'viewNavTableBarIconic', $arguments = [0 => class JEventDate { public $year = 2025; public $month = 1; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1736467200 }, 1 => class JEventDate { public $year = 2027; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1828396800 }, 2 => ['prev2' => class JEventDate { ... }, 'prev1' => class JEventDate { ... }, 'next1' => class JEventDate { ... }, 'next2' => class JEventDate { ... }], 3 => ['prev2' => 'Előző év', 'prev1' => 'Előző hónap', 'next1' => 'Következő hónap', 'next2' => 'Következő év'], 4 => 'com_jevents', 5 => 'month.calendar', 6 => 130] )...\defaultviewhelpershownavtablebar.php:87
210.17723446760newInstanceArgs( $args = [0 => class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = [...]; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { ... }; protected $_errors = [...]; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = [...]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar.php'; protected $_output = NULL; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { ... }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { ... }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = [...]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... } }, 1 => class JEventDate { public $year = 2025; public $month = 1; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1736467200 }, 2 => class JEventDate { public $year = 2027; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1828396800 }, 3 => ['prev2' => class JEventDate { ... }, 'prev1' => class JEventDate { ... }, 'next1' => class JEventDate { ... }, 'next2' => class JEventDate { ... }], 4 => ['prev2' => 'Előző év', 'prev1' => 'Előző hónap', 'next1' => 'Következő hónap', 'next2' => 'Következő év'], 5 => 'com_jevents', 6 => 'month.calendar', 7 => 130] )...\abstract.php:171
220.17723446848FlatViewNavTableBarIconic->__construct( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar.php'; protected $_output = NULL; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } }, $today_date = class JEventDate { public $year = 2025; public $month = 1; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1736467200 }, $view_date = class JEventDate { public $year = 2027; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1828396800 }, $dates = ['prev2' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2026; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1796860800 }, 'prev1' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2027; public $month = 11; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 30; public $date = 1825804800 }, 'next1' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2028; public $month = 1; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1831075200 }, 'next2' => class JEventDate { public $year = 2028; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $hour = 0; public $minute = 0; public $second = 0; public $dim = 31; public $date = 1860019200 }], $alts = ['prev2' => 'Előző év', 'prev1' => 'Előző hónap', 'next1' => 'Következő hónap', 'next2' => 'Következő év'], $option = 'com_jevents', $task = 'month.calendar', $Itemid = 130 )...\abstract.php:171
2027. December
Hét Ked Sze Csü Pén Szo Vas
29 30 1 2027. december 01. , Szerda 2 2027. december 02. , Csütörtök 3 2027. december 03. , Péntek 4 2027. december 04. , Szombat 5 2027. december 05. , Vasárnap
6 2027. december 06. , Hétfő 7 2027. december 07. , Kedd 8 2027. december 08. , Szerda 9 2027. december 09. , Csütörtök 10 2027. december 10. , Péntek 11 2027. december 11. , Szombat 12 2027. december 12. , Vasárnap
13 2027. december 13. , Hétfő 14 2027. december 14. , Kedd 15 2027. december 15. , Szerda 16 2027. december 16. , Csütörtök 17 2027. december 17. , Péntek 18 2027. december 18. , Szombat 19 2027. december 19. , Vasárnap
20 2027. december 20. , Hétfő 21 2027. december 21. , Kedd 22 2027. december 22. , Szerda 23 2027. december 23. , Csütörtök 24 2027. december 24. , Péntek 25 2027. december 25. , Szombat 26 2027. december 26. , Vasárnap
27 2027. december 27. , Hétfő 28 2027. december 28. , Kedd 29 2027. december 29. , Szerda 30 2027. december 30. , Csütörtök 31 2027. december 31. , Péntek 1 2

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property FlatModLegendView::$datamodel is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\modules\mod_jevents_legend\tmpl\default\legend.php on line 37
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.19133504880DefaultModLegendView->__construct( $params = class JevRegistry { protected $data = class stdClass { }; protected $initialized = FALSE; protected $separator = '.'; protected $jevregistry = NULL; protected $jevDefaultNameSpace = 'default' }, $modid = 0 )...\defaulteventslegend.php:29

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property FlatModLegendView::$jevlayout is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\helper.php on line 3068
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.19133504880DefaultModLegendView->__construct( $params = class JevRegistry { protected $data = class stdClass { }; protected $initialized = FALSE; protected $separator = '.'; protected $jevregistry = NULL; protected $jevDefaultNameSpace = 'default' }, $modid = 0 )...\defaulteventslegend.php:29
220.19613522368JEVHelper::componentStylesheet( $view = class FlatModLegendView { public $_modid = 0; public $_params = class JevRegistry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = FALSE; protected $separator = '.'; protected $jevregistry = NULL; protected $jevDefaultNameSpace = 'default' }; public $inccss = 1; public $disable = 1; public $myItemid = 0; public $myTask = NULL; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = NULL; public $catidsOut = ''; public $catids = NULL; public $catidList = NULL; public $mmcatids = NULL; public $mmcatidList = NULL; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } } }, $filename = 'modstyle.css' )...\legend.php:44

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property catLegend::$id is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\catLegend.php on line 19
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.20133542560FlatModLegendView->displayCalendarLegend( $style = 'block' )...\defaulteventslegend.php:30
220.20243548272catLegend->__construct( $id = '0', $name = 'Minden kategória ...', $color = '#d3d3d3', $description = 'Mutassa az összes kategória eseményeit', $parent_id = ??? )...\legend.php:118

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property catLegend::$name is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\catLegend.php on line 20
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.20133542560FlatModLegendView->displayCalendarLegend( $style = 'block' )...\defaulteventslegend.php:30
220.20243548272catLegend->__construct( $id = '0', $name = 'Minden kategória ...', $color = '#d3d3d3', $description = 'Mutassa az összes kategória eseményeit', $parent_id = ??? )...\legend.php:118

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property catLegend::$color is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\catLegend.php on line 21
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.20133542560FlatModLegendView->displayCalendarLegend( $style = 'block' )...\defaulteventslegend.php:30
220.20243548272catLegend->__construct( $id = '0', $name = 'Minden kategória ...', $color = '#d3d3d3', $description = 'Mutassa az összes kategória eseményeit', $parent_id = ??? )...\legend.php:118

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property catLegend::$description is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\catLegend.php on line 22
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.20133542560FlatModLegendView->displayCalendarLegend( $style = 'block' )...\defaulteventslegend.php:30
220.20243548272catLegend->__construct( $id = '0', $name = 'Minden kategória ...', $color = '#d3d3d3', $description = 'Mutassa az összes kategória eseményeit', $parent_id = ??? )...\legend.php:118

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property catLegend::$parent_id is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\libraries\catLegend.php on line 23
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.20133542560FlatModLegendView->displayCalendarLegend( $style = 'block' )...\defaulteventslegend.php:30
220.20243548272catLegend->__construct( $id = '0', $name = 'Minden kategória ...', $color = '#d3d3d3', $description = 'Mutassa az összes kategória eseményeit', $parent_id = ??? )...\legend.php:118

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property catLegend::$activeBranch is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\modules\mod_jevents_legend\tmpl\flat\legend.php on line 119
Call Stack
10.0017361016{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0019361760require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0331609464Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.0350733848Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( )...\CMSApplication.php:306
50.11092130304Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( $component = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:261
60.11572200352Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_jevents', $params = ??? )...\SiteApplication.php:218
70.11602218408Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch( )...\ComponentHelper.php:361
80.11612218800Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\libraries\src\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:70-72}( $path = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents/jevents.php' )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
90.11612223536require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\jevents.php )...\LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
100.13202913232Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute( $task = 'calendar' )...\jevents.php:365
110.13202913232MonthController->calendar( )...\BaseController.php:730
120.13593022320JEventsAbstractView->display( $tpl = ??? )...\month.php:82
130.15893309112Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display( $tpl = NULL )...\abstract.php:133
140.15903310872Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = NULL )...\HtmlView.php:204
150.15933328888include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
160.18633482288Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate( $tpl = 'body' )...\calendar.php:7
170.18673499840include( 'C:\wamp64\www\components\com_jevents\views\flat\month\tmpl\calendar_body.php )...\HtmlView.php:416
180.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->eventsLegend( )...\calendar_body.php:121
190.19043503632JEventsDefaultView->__call( $name = 'eventsLegend', $arguments = [] )...\calendar_body.php:121
200.19093503976DefaultEventsLegend( $view = class flatViewMonth { public $document = NULL; protected $option = NULL; protected $_name = 'flat/month'; protected $_models = []; protected $_defaultModel = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}dispatcher = NULL; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView}language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'hu-HU'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 39; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $_errors = []; protected $_basePath = 'C:\\wamp64\\www/components/com_jevents'; protected $_layout = 'calendar'; protected $_layoutExt = 'php'; protected $_layoutTemplate = '_'; protected $_path = ['template' => [...], 'helper' => [...]]; protected $_template = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\components\\com_jevents\\views\\flat\\month\\tmpl\\calendar_cell.php'; protected $_output = ''; protected $_charset = 'UTF-8'; private ${Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView}currentUser = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = NULL; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; public $jevlayout = 'flat'; public $baseurl = ''; public $datamodel = class JEventsDataModel { public $myItemid = 130; public $catidsOut = '39'; public $catids = [...]; public $catidList = '39'; public $mmcatids = [...]; public $mmcatidList = ''; public $aid = '1,5'; public $moduleAllCats = FALSE; public $queryModel = class JEventsDBModel { ... } }; public $colourscheme = 'red'; public $Itemid = 130; public $month = 12; public $day = 10; public $year = 2027; public $task = NULL; public $data = ['year' => 2027, 'month' => 12, 'fieldsetText' => '2027. December', 'startday' => '1', 'daynames' => [...], 'dates' => [...], 'followingMonth' => [...], 'weeks' => [...]]; public $popup = FALSE; public $is_event_creator = FALSE; public $componentParams = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' } } )...\abstract.php:187
210.20133542560FlatModLegendView->displayCalendarLegend( $style = 'block' )...\defaulteventslegend.php:30
Mutassa az összes kategória eseményeit


December 2027
H K Sz Cs P Szo V
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Következő eseményeink

Nincsenek események

Csengetési rend

1. óra 7:15 7:50
2. óra 8:00 8:45
3. óra 8:55 9:40
4. óra 10:00 10:45
5. óra 10:55 11:40
6. óra 11:50 12:35
7. óra 12:45 13:30
8. óra 13:40 14:20
9. óra 15:00 15:45
10. óra 15:50 16:35
11. óra 16:40 17:25


  4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Bocskai István tér 12.

  +36 52 229 368

  +36 52 561 165

  47.673730, 21.507221


OM: 031204


  Régi weblap

Hivatali kapcsolatok

A gimnázium logója
Hajdúböszörményi Tankerületi Központ
Hajdúböszörmény város címere
a Hajdúk fővárosa
Oktatási Hivatal
 Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium, 2021